
  • Overview of the M&A landscape for small businesses.
  • Also Importance of Preparing Your Business.
  • Also Brief overview of what the e-book will cover.

Chapter 1: Understanding the Market

  • Also Current trends in the small business M&A space.
  • Also Overview of the digital marketing agency market.
  • Also Identifying key buyers: Strategic vs. financial buyers.

Chapter 2: Valuing Your Agency

  • Also Introduction to valuation methods applicable to digital marketing agencies.
  • Also Importance of EBITDA, recurring revenue, and client contracts in valuation.
  • Also How to adjust financials for valuation purposes.

Chapter 3: Legal and Financial Preparation

  • Also Ensuring legal compliance and addressing any issues.
  • Also Organizing financial records and statements.
  • Also Intellectual property considerations in the digital marketing space.

Chapter 4: Enhancing Your Agency’s Appeal

  • Also Strategies to increase the attractiveness of your agency to potential buyers.
  • Also Improving operational efficiencies.
  • Also Diversifying client base and service offerings.

Chapter 5: Preparing for Due Diligence

  • What to expect during the due diligence process.
  • How to prepare documentation and information for due diligence.
  • Addressing common due diligence concerns for digital marketing agencies.

Chapter 6: Marketing Your Agency for Sale

  • Creating a compelling selling memorandum.
  • Deciding between a broker vs. DIY sale approach.
  • Utilizing your network and industry contacts.

Chapter 7: Negotiating the Sale

  • Principles of effective negotiation in M&A transactions.
  • Understanding deal structuring options (asset sale, stock sale, etc.).
  • How to handle offers and counteroffers.

Chapter 8: Closing the Deal

  • Overview of the closing process.
  • Common legal documents and agreements required.
  • Post-sale considerations, including transition and earn-outs.

Chapter 9: Planning for Life After Sale

  • Financial planning and tax considerations post-sale.
  • Exploring next steps: Retirement, starting a new venture, or other investments.
  • Emotional aspects of selling your business and how to cope.

Chapter 10: Case Studies

  • Success stories of digital marketing agencies that successfully sold.
  • Lessons learned from less successful sales.
  • Key takeaways and best practices distilled from real-life experiences.


  • Recap of the essential steps to prepare your business for sale.
  • Encouragement to start the process early and seek professional advice.
  • Final thoughts on the journey of selling a business in the digital marketing space.


  • Appendix A: Checklist for Preparing Your Business for Sale
  • Appendix B: Glossary of M&A Terms
  • Appendix C: Resources for Finding M&A Advisors and Brokers

About the Author

  • Background of the author(s) in M&A, specifically within the digital marketing sector.
  • Contact information for further advice or consultation.