Selling your agency is a significant event, both emotionally and financially. Understanding the nuances of deal terms is crucial to ensuring you get the payment and conditions that align with your expectations. In agency M&A transactions, deal terms vary widely, but there are several common structures regarding how and when sellers are paid. Let’s dive into the typical deal terms you might encounter, including cash at close, earn-outs, rolled equity, and seller financing.

Cash at Close

Cash at close is the most straightforward payment method in an agency sale. It refers to the amount of money paid to the seller when the deal officially closes. This lump sum payment represents a clean break. It also allow the seller to exit fully and immediately reap the financial rewards of selling their business. For many sellers, cash at close is the ideal scenario because it minimizes risk and provides immediate liquidity. However, the total valuation might be lower in all-cash deals compared to those incorporating other payment structures due to the buyer’s higher upfront financial commitment.


Earn-outs are a mechanism designed to align the interests of the buyer and seller post-transaction and bridge valuation gaps. An earn-out ties part of the purchase price to the future performance of the agency, typically based on revenue targets or profitability milestones. If the agency meets or exceeds these predefined goals, the seller receives additional compensation over time. Earn-outs can increase the total sale price but introduce uncertainty since the final payout depends on the agency’s future success under new ownership. This structure often keeps the seller involved in the business to ensure targets are met.

Rolled Equity

Rolled equity refers to the portion of the sale price that the seller reinvests into the acquiring company or merged entity, becoming a minority shareholder. This option is attractive for sellers who believe in the combined entity’s future growth and are willing to bet on its success for a potentially higher return. Rolled equity aligns the seller’s interests with the buyer’s long-term goals and can lead to significant financial upside. However, it also means the seller does not fully cash out and remains financially tied to the business’s future performance.

Seller Financing

Seller financing occurs when the seller agrees to finance a portion of the purchase price over time, essentially acting as a lender to the buyer. The buyer makes payments to the seller according to agreed terms, which typically include interest. This structure can make the agency more attractive to buyers who may not have the full purchase price upfront or wish to mitigate their risk. Seller financing demonstrates the seller’s confidence in the agency’s ongoing viability but requires the seller to assume the risk of the buyer’s potential default.


Understanding the nuances of deal terms is essential for agency owners contemplating a sale. Whether you prefer the immediacy of cash at close, the potential for added value through earn-outs or rolled equity, or the supportive role of seller financing, each option has its advantages and risks. Tailoring the deal structure to meet your financial goals, risk tolerance, and future involvement with the agency is key to a successful transaction. Engaging with experienced M&A advisors can help you navigate these complex decisions, ensuring that when you do sell your agency, the terms align with your expectations and reward your hard work and success.